It is possible to book several meal reservations for different dates in a single order, to do so, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Choose your dish, date, time and then click on order (add to cart)
  2. Then move on to the next dish following the same logical order and add to cart and so on…
  3. When you’re done, proceed to cart, double-check your dates, and proceed to payment by your chosen method (online or via preloaded funds)

For a better organization of the canteen, please place your orders for the week on Monday before 10 am.

If you have any allergy, please notify the kitchen staff.

The composition of the products may vary. The presence of allergens is indicated in the description of the dish.

Nos menus (D)

Menus must be ordered before Monday 10 a.m. / Les menus doivent être commandés avant le lundi 10h.

Commandes possibles tous les jours avant 10h

Pizzas (P2)



Pour connaître le dessert du jour, veuillez vous référer aux desserts affichés dans le menu du jour

Orders possible every day before 10 a.m.